He showed me how to do this while making my story a marketable one. His feedback forced me to sharpen my goal statements and do additional research on specific areas. At no point did I feel my essays had stopped becoming my own.
My journey towards an MBA has been a very bumpy one and the only positive experience in the entire journey so far has been working with Karthik and August Academy (www.mbaadmissions.augustacademy.in).
I must admit that without Karthik’s guidance I wouldn’t have made it to the b-school of my choice with a 60% scholarship.
“Fantastic” – Even before I decided on the list of schools I was going to apply to, Karthik got me to answer a questionnaire that helped me introspect and structure my ideas on paper. The result of the entire process- I had almost written an autobiography of sorts and the battle of picking the best experience to showcase made the entire essay writing experience a pleasant one.
This is probably the main aspect I would recommend Karthik to an applicant. Karthik pointed out weaknesses I hadn’t noticed and even some I knew were there but was too lazy to address. The feedback gave me the motivation to go a further level deeper in terms of quality and detail. At the end of the process I knew there were no weak statements in my essays.
One of the reasons I was hesitant in using a consultant was that I was very keen to preserve my own voice and tell an authentic story. In fact, Karthik insisted that is the only way to do things. He showed me how to do this while making my story a marketable one. His feedback forced me to sharpen my goal statements and do additional research on specific areas. At no point did I feel my essays had stopped becoming my own. If you want to present the best version of your story then I would recommend working with Karthik.
To sum it up – working with Karthik and August Academy is value for every single penny.
Karthik – thank you so much for your commitment and support.